Thursday, January 25, 2007

Look what chicklit did to me!

Shall I tell you a secret..?
Even the most capable of women like to be protected. She might blow the socks off every investment banker in town, repair her own car and pay her own bills : she will still want to be told that she makes the lightest soufflĂ© you’ve ever tasted. Men still like to play the protector and women still, and will always, like to be taken care of. And it’s understandable, surely, after all those centuries of genetic proclivity..? That’s why all but the most hardened of misoandrists, the most ardent promoters of the decline of patriarchalism, will confess to a sneaking liking of having the door opened for them. The key is respecting women and considering them your equal in every way, but realizing that the surest way to a woman’s heart is still with a posy of flowers. The remnants of chivalry still have a place in our world, if only to make the male feel still male and the women to feel feminine.

or maybe i'm just feeling this way after my recent immersion into chicklit :D
wait for an opinion change.


Nimpipi said...

woa, look at you producing posts at breakneck speed! :)
chick lit huh, (knowing smirk)
true true, nod nod, i luhrve having doors opened for me, and only so much out of laziness.
Chivalry will always make our days my friend, no two ways about it.
Men appreciate it too u know. tee hee:>

parag said...

nice stff...totally agree :)

parag said...

next entry when? :p

CD said...

just wanted to check if this post was ispired by the perpetual lack of a 'posy of flowers' and 'remnants of chivalry' on my part :)

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